
Sauder Heritage Inn & Campground

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  5. Sauder Heritage Inn & Campground
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Contact Name: Steve Van Sickle
22611 State Route 2, 43502

Enjoy a fun-filled relaxing stay at our 98-room country inn. Our hotel offers a unique destination for family vacations, retreats, classes, group tours and conferences. Relax in the spacious, timber-frame lobby. Throughout the Inn, the beautiful fireplace, atriums with live plants, comfortable furniture, natural wood timbers and hand-forged lamps and railings set the casual, friendly tone. Our lodge amenities include an indoor pool with waterfall, hot tub, and game and exercise rooms adjacent to the Great Oak Tree with complimentary continental breakfast. We’ve included all the amenities of a large hotel with the ambiance of a country inn to offer you the ideal place to stay in Northwest Ohio. We look forward to having you as our guest.

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